Monday, 12 January 2009

Day Four (11 January 2009)

Turkdean to Rendcomb (9.5 miles)
(1st one day walk - Stage 4)

The first fellow walker!! - fantastico - Mrs Diane Miles.
The beginning of the walk was not quite synchronised to perfection. Di arrived on time but I didn't - hadn't looked at the roadmap - thought there was a roundabout that doesn't exist. The handling of the technological side was not too brilliant either - we managed to leave each other a total of 4 voice mails about where we were without actually managing to speak to each other. However, we did find each other.
Altho the temp had gone up and the ice melted, on the top of the hills there was a fairly raw wind. Down in the valleys it was strange - so quiet in comparison. A typical January day in many ways - walked through some really nice bits of wood but it will look very different in a few months time. The valleys were surprisingly wide - with streams meandering through them - haven't seen this in other parts of the Cotswolds. Some pretty fine buildings - the village of Chedworth looked a picture as we came down here. Unfortunately there won't be a picture as my camera seems to think it has censorship rights and simply sometimes refuses to take a picture. Some of the fields were pretty muddy as the thaw set in. As we approached the end of the walk it was gettign pretty dank (is that a word?) and grey but there was no snow, no rain and the wind could have been stronger ... so that's okay then
Things I'm glad we brought: walking sticks (was quite muddy in places)
Bird of the day - pheasant
Tree of the day - beech


  1. Well done both of you - did you manage to go dancing in the evening?

  2. Yes we did following a rather excellent meal prepared by Graham. The standard of the jive we did was exactly of the (sub) standard you'd expect. There were, I think 3 more men than women. Lisa came down and did a practice with me - she said "yes, it's the scary one - I just said "they're all scary"

  3. Did you check the beech tree's roots for truffles.
    I searched in 2008 to no avail. However I'm hoping to strike lucky in 2009. Of course one has to claw through the roots about 3 inches deep, and preferably in late summer....

  4. If you go down to the Outlet Village, I think you can get some at Thornton's - save you waiting until June.
