Little Brington to Eydon (16.5 miles)
Driven up with Kevin to Little Brington by Helen (thanks very much). Misty at first but then glorious sun. Walking through rolling countryside, skylarks singing, 3 hares cavorting, very young lambs - who wrote the script for this? Turns out it may have been the people who wrote The Fast Show - walk by a couple of people in the countryside - the landowner and his gardener. Landowner very chattty - asking questions about what we were up to, pubs we were going to visit - suspect he was then going to pop in for his morning snifter but then he drives past us informing us that his was a better way of travelling. We are on course for the pub - but the pub is closed at lunchtime. At least it opens on some days, the next one we come to has been closed for 5 years. Walk towards a teenage girl sittting in a field with her dog - she sees us , gets up and starts running away. Naturally we follow in her footsteps but are undable to catch up. Kevin particularly pleased by passing over the Grand Union Canal and the the route of the Central Railway. (For me it's the M1 that does it but I try to keep quiet about that). No food - no shops, no pubs!. Arrive in Eydon - great bed and breakfast place - and we're given crumpets, cake and tea when we arrive - and then offered baked beans on toast
Bird of the day: yellowhammer
Tree of the day: pussy willow
Tree of the day: pussy willow
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