Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Day One (27 Dec 2008)

Boston to Surfleet (15 miles)

Up at 4.02am. In car by about 4.30. Few cars and increasingly frosty as drive to Peterborough. (Should I have stayed in bed and hidden inside the house for 3 days). No problems finding way until I try to find the guest house where I am leaving the car. (Perhaps I should invest in a sat nav - but what's the point, I'll only leave it somewhere - better wait until they invent one which tells me where I left it). Go into a garage -very helpful - a guy even draws me a map to show where the street I need is. Find it, leave car, walk to station to catch train to Boston. It's pretty cold!! Disorientated when get to Boston - had to use compass to set self off in right direction!
First day's walking not like anything I'm used to. Quite windy (fortunately mainly behind me, on a day like this a bit like the place described in Wallender's novels???Probably not - except for the bleakness of this day. But I'm lucky - what would it be like if it was raining or snowing?. Walk along a mound which is above a river which is higher than the surrounding land - which has shrunk and has ditches. Nowhere on a day like this to sit and eat my sannies and mince pies - the ground's too damp - eat standing up but a couple of friendly people walk past and say hello. Begin to head inland and beginning to like the countryside - it's so different.
Arrive at pub where I'm staying in Surfleet. Friendly, kettle doesn't work but has real beer and food. Good night's sleep. I'd phoned and asked them if they could do me a packed lunch as I had doubts about finding anywhere else on the Sunday after Christmas - it was to be very good.

Things I'm glad I brought - thermal vest and longjohns (which wear on day 2 and 3 as well)
Bird of day - oyster catcher
Tree of day - poplar

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