Kate's Bridge to Rutland Water (19 miles)
Breakfast at 7am as quite a long walk today and need to get there before it gets dark (and so I can get bus back). Catch bus out to Kate's Bridge and set off. This is a different landscape. After a time start walking up a gentle hill. Walked through some brilliant places - good walking down to Stamford (not very attractive on the way in but) - the main part of the town just needs to be visited. The main building material is limestone. Then on to Easton on the Hill which is even better. Between Stamford and Easton went under the A1 - there was some pretty muddy walking. Fortunately it had been dry for some days so it could have have been much worse. Then on to a place called Ketton. I was able to sit and have my lunch (first time I'd been able to sit for lunch - next time must bring my serviette!). Then I set off on what looked like a fairly straightforward section of the walk - about 2.5 miles up and over a hill. However, there is a lot of quarrying and the route of the path has been changed. After about a mile or so came across a sign suggesting the path went in what appeared to be the wrong direction by a small road that shouldn't exist. Thought I should go the other way. However, never being too confident about my sense of direction, checked with the compass and found the sign was pointing the wrong way. Went the other way and found a sign indicating that this was the path. Down through some trees which seemed to be full of redwing, but the light wasn't great so wasn't able to get a definite identification. Down to Empingham and then to Rutland Water. Made a point of standing right next to the water. Stage 1 completed! Back to Empingham, the bus and then the car.
Things I'm most glad I had - compass and compeed (Thanks for reminders -Rich for first; Annie for second)
Bird of the day - bullfinch
Tree of the day - oak
Congratulations on completing Stage 1 and returning home safely!
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